The Rite? Word: Part 2

Susan Pierotti, Creative Text Solutions As promised last week, here are some more confusing words that used inappropriately could mean the difference between your business or your competitor’s making the sale. Remember, spelling well shows courtesy towards your reader (i.e. customer) and promotes common understanding. Discreet and discrete These two words are often confused because when we are discreet, we show discretion. However, though the word discrete looks like it is related to the word discretion, it isn’t. (Bother! Alas, English is like that.) Discreet: careful, cautious, showing good judgment. [caption id="attachment_198" align="alignright" width="150"]Discrete art objects. Daderot/Wikimedia Discrete art objects.
Daderot/Wikimedia[/caption] Discrete: individual, separate, or distinct. A number of discrete signs around the house indicated that his wife was no longer there, so we were discreet when asking him how he was coping. You're and your These words are easy to distinguish. The apostrophe is there to show you that there is a letter missing – in this case, the letter “a”. You're: you are. Your: refers to something you own. If you are puzzled by which version to use, try saying the sentence using the “you are” form. For example: I’ve heard that your position is to be expanded. It makes no sense to say, I’ve heard that you are position is to be expanded. Therefore, “your” is correct. The position in a way belongs to you and no one else, so it is yours. Flout and flaunt Flout: defy, ignore. Flaunt: show off, exhibit, displayRed_velvet_mini_dress_1435042510 Many people say that someone has flaunted the law. That can only happen if they are a lawyer with an extensive knowledge of it. She flouted school protocol by flaunting her skimpy dress at the Graduate Ball. However, if you are still confused about what word to use, the services of a professional proofreading and copyediting service will assist you with accurate and comprehensible spelling. Contact for further assistance.

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