How to make a 94-year-old very happy

How to make a 94-year-old very happy

I have been working on Lola Russell's autobiography, 'City Kid', for two years. I finished the book editing at the beginning of the year, researched and drew up the family trees, selected the photos and found a publisher.

I then did a smart move and hired a marketing firm to help with the social media, the invitations, organising the book launch and helping out on the night.

The launch day finally arrived. In true Melbourne spring style, it was 36 degrees C and humid. Would anyone turn up? Would Lola be well enough? Would it be a night to remember? After all, she'd been waiting to frock up and party for the last 30 years.

[caption id="attachment_369" align="alignnone" width="2840"]Lola Russell dressed up for her book launch Lola in velvet and pearls[/caption]

I needn't have worried - it was a triumph!

Lola arrived in velvet, pearls, a floor-length fur stole – and a red satin pair of shoes to die for! She was the queen of the event. She smiled graciously all evening, she signed numerous copies, she read from the first chapter. She was gorgeous!

The good news is - we sold all 100 copies of the first print run!

I have ordered the next 100, so if you'd like a copy of these amazing memoirs, please contact me at Creative Text Solutions.

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